HTTP Client

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Documentation for package ‘crul’ version 1.1.0

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crul-package crul
Async Simple async client
AsyncQueue AsyncQueue
AsyncVaried Async client for different request types
auth Authentication
content-types Working with content types
cookies Working with cookies
crul crul
crul-options Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
crul_settings Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
curl-options curl options
curl_verbose curl verbose method
handle Make a handle
hooks Event Hooks
http-headers Working with HTTP headers
HttpClient HTTP client
HttpRequest HTTP request object
HttpResponse Base HTTP response object
mock Mocking HTTP requests
ok check if a url is okay
Paginator Paginator client
progress progress bars
proxies proxy options
proxy proxy options
set_auth Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
set_headers Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
set_opts Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
set_proxy Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
set_verbose Set curl options, proxy, and basic auth
timeout curl options
upload upload file
url_build Build and parse URLs
url_parse Build and parse URLs
user-agent curl options
verb-DELETE HTTP verb info: DELETE
verb-GET HTTP verb info: GET
verb-HEAD HTTP verb info: HEAD
verb-PATCH HTTP verb info: PATCH
verb-POST HTTP verb info: POST
verb-PUT HTTP verb info: PUT
verbose curl options
writing-options Writing data options