Classes for 'GeoJSON'

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Documentation for package ‘geojson’ version 0.3.4

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geojson-package geojson
as.geojson Geojson class
as.geojson-method Geojson class
bbox Add or get bounding box
bbox_add Add or get bounding box
bbox_get Add or get bounding box
crs Add or get CRS
crs_add Add or get CRS
crs_get Add or get CRS
feature feature class
featurecollection featurecollection class
from_geobuf Geobuf serialization
geobuf Geobuf serialization
geojson geojson
geojson_data Data for use in examples
geometrycollection geometrycollection class
geo_bbox Calculate a bounding box
geo_pretty Pretty print geojson
geo_type Get geometry type
geo_write Write geojson to disk
linestring linestring class
linting_opts GeoJSON Linting
multilinestring multilinestring class
multipoint multipoint class
multipolygon multipolygon class
ndgeo Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
ndgeo_read Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
ndgeo_write Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
ndgeo_write.default Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
ndgeo_write.geofeature Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
ndgeo_write.geofeaturecollection Read and write newline-delimited GeoJSON (GeoJSON text sequences)
point point class
polygon polygon class
properties Add or get properties
properties_add Add or get properties
properties_get Add or get properties
to_geobuf Geobuf serialization
to_geojson Convert GeoJSON character string to approriate GeoJSON class