Convert Data from and to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON'

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Documentation for package ‘geojsonio’ version 0.9.4

Help Pages

+.geo_list Add together geo_list or json objects
+.json Add together geo_list or json objects
as.json Convert inputs to JSON
as.location Convert a path or URL to a location object.
bounds Get bounds for a list or geo_list
canada_cities This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
centroid Get centroid for a geo_list
file_to_geojson Convert spatial data files to GeoJSON from various formats.
geo2topo GeoJSON to TopoJSON and back
geojson-add Add together geo_list or json objects
geojsonio *I/O for GeoJSON*
geojsonio-defunct Defunct functions in geojsonio
geojson_atomize Atomize
geojson_json Convert many input types with spatial data to geojson specified as a json string
geojson_list Convert many input types with spatial data to geojson specified as a list
geojson_read Read geojson or other formats from a local file or a URL
geojson_sf Convert objects to an sf class
geojson_sp Convert objects to spatial classes
geojson_style Style a data.frame or list prior to converting to geojson
geojson_write Convert many input types with spatial data to a geojson file
map_gist Publish an interactive map as a GitHub gist
map_leaf Make an interactive map locally
postgis PostGIS setup
pretty Convert json input to pretty printed output
projections topojson projections and extensions
states This is the same data set from the ggplot2 library
topo2geo GeoJSON to TopoJSON and back
topojson_json Convert many input types with spatial data to TopoJSON as a JSON string
topojson_list Convert many input types with spatial data to TopoJSON as a list
topojson_read Read topojson from a local file or a URL
topojson_write Write TopoJSON from various inputs
us_cities This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently