isoband-package | isoband: Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids |
angle_fixed | Standardize label angles |
angle_halfcircle_bottom | Standardize label angles |
angle_halfcircle_right | Standardize label angles |
angle_identity | Standardize label angles |
clip_lines | Clip lines so they don't run into a set of boxes. |
isoband | isoband: Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids |
isobands | Efficient calculation of isolines and isobands from elevation grid |
isobands_grob | Render isobands |
isolines | Efficient calculation of isolines and isobands from elevation grid |
isolines_grob | Render labeled isolines |
iso_to_sfg | Convert isolines or isobands to sfg object |
label_placer_manual | Set up a label placement strategy |
label_placer_minmax | Set up a label placement strategy |
label_placer_none | Set up a label placement strategy |
plot_iso | Visualize a single isoband |