A B C D E F G H I J L M P R S T V W misc
addAwesomeMarkers | Add Awesome Markers |
addCircleMarkers | Graphics elements and layers |
addCircles | Graphics elements and layers |
addControl | Graphics elements and layers |
addEasyButton | Create an easyButton statestate |
addEasyButtonBar | Create an easyButton statestate |
addGeoJSON | Graphics elements and layers |
addGraticule | Add a Graticule on the map see <URL: https://github.com/turban/Leaflet.Graticule> |
addLabelOnlyMarkers | Graphics elements and layers |
addLayersControl | Add UI controls to switch layers on and off |
addLegend | Add a color legend to a map |
addMapPane | Add additional panes to leaflet map to control layer order |
addMarkers | Graphics elements and layers |
addMeasure | Add a measure control to the map. |
addMiniMap | Add a minimap to the Map <URL: https://github.com/Norkart/Leaflet-MiniMap> |
addPolygons | Graphics elements and layers |
addPolylines | Graphics elements and layers |
addPopups | Graphics elements and layers |
addProviderTiles | Add a tile layer from a known map provider |
addRasterImage | Add a raster image as a layer |
addRectangles | Graphics elements and layers |
addScaleBar | Add or remove a scale bar |
addSimpleGraticule | Add a simple Graticule on the map see <URL: https://github.com/ablakey/Leaflet.SimpleGraticule> |
addTerminator | Add a daylight layer on top of the map |
addTiles | Graphics elements and layers |
addTopoJSON | Graphics elements and layers |
addWMSTiles | Graphics elements and layers |
atlStorms2005 | Atlantic Ocean storms 2005 |
awesomeIconList | Make awesome-icon set |
awesomeIcons | Create a list of awesome icon data see <URL: https://github.com/lvoogdt/Leaflet.awesome-markers> |
breweries91 | Selected breweries in Franconia |
clearBounds | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
clearControls | Remove elements from a map |
clearGeoJSON | Remove elements from a map |
clearGroup | Remove elements from a map |
clearImages | Remove elements from a map |
clearMarkerClusters | Remove elements from a map |
clearMarkers | Remove elements from a map |
clearPopups | Remove elements from a map |
clearShapes | Remove elements from a map |
clearTiles | Remove elements from a map |
clearTopoJSON | Remove elements from a map |
colorBin | Color mapping |
colorFactor | Color mapping |
colorNumeric | Color mapping |
colorQuantile | Color mapping |
createLeafletMap | Legacy functions |
derivePoints | Given a data object and lng/lat arguments (which may be NULL [meaning infer from data], formula [which should be evaluated with respect to the data], or vector data [which should be used as-is]) return a lng/lat data frame. |
derivePolygons | Given a data object and lng/lat arguments (which may be NULL [meaning infer from data], formula [which should be evaluated with respect to the data], or vector data [which should be used as-is]) return a spatial object |
dispatch | Extension points for plugins |
easyButton | Create an easyButton statestate |
easyButtonState | Create an easyButton statestate |
evalFormula | Evaluate list members that are formulae, using the map data as the environment (if provided, otherwise the formula environment) |
expandLimits | Notifies the map of new latitude/longitude of items of interest on the map |
expandLimitsBbox | Same as expandLimits, but takes a polygon (that presumably has a bbox attr) rather than lat/lng. |
filterNULL | remove NULL elements from a list |
fitBounds | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
flyTo | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
flyToBounds | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
gadmCHE | Administrative borders of Switzerland (level 1) |
getMapData | returns the map's data |
groupOptions | Set options on layer groups |
hideGroup | Show or hide layer groups |
highlightOptions | Graphics elements and layers |
iconList | Make icon set |
icons | Create a list of icon data |
invokeMethod | Extension points for plugins |
JS | Objects imported from other packages |
labelFormat | Add a color legend to a map |
labelOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
layersControlOptions | Add UI controls to switch layers on and off |
leaflet | Create a Leaflet map widget |
leafletCRS | Create a Leaflet map widget |
leafletDependencies | Various leaflet dependency functions for use in downstream packages |
leafletMap | Legacy functions |
leafletOptions | Create a Leaflet map widget |
leafletOutput | Wrapper functions for using 'leaflet' in 'shiny' |
leafletProxy | Send commands to a Leaflet instance in a Shiny app |
leafletSizingPolicy | Leaflet sizing policy |
makeAwesomeIcon | Make Awesome Icon |
makeIcon | Define icon sets |
mapOptions | Set options on a leaflet map object |
markerClusterOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
markerOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
pathOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
popupOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
previewColors | Color previewing utility |
projectRasterForLeaflet | Add a raster image as a layer |
providers | Providers |
providers.details | Providers |
providerTileOptions | Add a tile layer from a known map provider |
remove | Remove elements from a map |
removeControl | Remove elements from a map |
removeGeoJSON | Remove elements from a map |
removeImage | Remove elements from a map |
removeLayersControl | Add UI controls to switch layers on and off |
removeMarker | Remove elements from a map |
removeMarkerCluster | Remove elements from a map |
removeMarkerFromCluster | Remove elements from a map |
removeMeasure | Remove elements from a map |
removePopup | Remove elements from a map |
removeScaleBar | Add or remove a scale bar |
removeShape | Remove elements from a map |
removeTiles | Remove elements from a map |
removeTopoJSON | Remove elements from a map |
renderLeaflet | Wrapper functions for using 'leaflet' in 'shiny' |
scaleBarOptions | Add or remove a scale bar |
setMaxBounds | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
setView | Methods to manipulate the map widget |
showGroup | Show or hide layer groups |
tileOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
validateCoords | Utility function to check if a coordinates is valid |
WMSTileOptions | Extra options for map elements and layers |
%>% | Objects imported from other packages |