A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z misc
raster-package | Overview of the functions in the raster package |
addLayer | Add or drop a layer |
addLayer-method | Add or drop a layer |
adjacent | Adjacent cells |
adjacent-method | Adjacent cells |
aggregate | Aggregate raster cells or SpatialPolygons/Lines |
aggregate-method | Aggregate raster cells or SpatialPolygons/Lines |
alignExtent | Align an extent (object of class Extent) |
all.equal-method | Compare Raster objects |
animate | Animate layers of a Raster* object |
animate-method | Animate layers of a Raster* object |
approxNA | Estimate values for cell values that are 'NA' by interpolating between layers |
approxNA-method | Estimate values for cell values that are 'NA' by interpolating between layers |
area | Size of cells |
area-method | Size of cells |
Arith-method | Arithmetic with Raster* objects |
Arith-methods | Arithmetic with Raster* objects |
as.array | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
as.array-method | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
as.character | Character representation of a Raster or Extent object |
as.character-method | Character representation of a Raster or Extent object |
as.character-method | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
as.data.frame | Get a data.frame with raster cell values, or coerce SpatialPolygons, Lines, or Points to a data.frame |
as.data.frame-method | Get a data.frame with raster cell values, or coerce SpatialPolygons, Lines, or Points to a data.frame |
as.factor | Factors |
as.factor-method | Factors |
as.integer-method | Change cell values to logical or integer values |
as.list-method | Create a list of RasterLayer objects |
as.logical-method | Change cell values to logical or integer values |
as.matrix | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
as.matrix-method | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
as.raster | Coerce to a 'raster' object |
as.raster-method | Coerce to a 'raster' object |
as.vector | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
as.vector-method | Get a vector, matrix, or array with raster cell values |
asFactor | Factors |
asFactor-method | Factors |
atan2 | Two argument arc-tangent |
atan2-method | Two argument arc-tangent |
bandnr | Number of bands |
bandnr-method | Number of bands |
barplot | Bar plot of a RasterLayer |
barplot-method | Bar plot of a RasterLayer |
BasicRaster-class | Raster* classes |
bbox-method | Extent |
beginCluster | Use a multi-core cluster |
bind | Bind Spatial* objects |
bind-method | Bind Spatial* objects |
blockSize | Block size for writing files |
boundaries | boundaries (edges) detection |
boundaries-method | boundaries (edges) detection |
boxplot | Box plot of Raster objects |
boxplot-method | Box plot of Raster objects |
brick | Create a RasterBrick object |
brick-method | Create a RasterBrick object |
buffer | buffer |
buffer-method | buffer |
calc | Calculate |
calc-method | Calculate |
canProcessInMemory | Helper functions for programming |
ccodes | Get geographic data |
ceiling-method | Integer values |
ceiling-method | round Extent coordinates |
cellFromCol | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromLine | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromPolygon | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromRow | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromRowCol | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromRowCol-method | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromRowColCombine | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromRowColCombine-method | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromXY | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellFromXY-method | Get cell, row, or column number |
cellsFromExtent | Cells from extent, and vice versa |
cellStats | Statistics across cells |
cellStats-method | Statistics across cells |
clamp | Clamp values |
clamp-method | Clamp values |
clearValues | Clear values |
click | Query by clicking on a map |
click-method | Query by clicking on a map |
clump | Detect clumps |
clump-method | Detect clumps |
clusterR | Use a multi-core cluster |
colFromCell | Row or column number from a cell number |
colFromCell-method | Row or column number from a cell number |
colFromX | Get cell, row, or column number |
colFromX-method | Get cell, row, or column number |
colortable | colortable |
colortable<- | colortable |
colSums | rowSums and colSums for Raster objects |
colSums-method | rowSums and colSums for Raster objects |
Compare-method | Compare Raster* objects |
Compare-methods | Compare Raster* objects |
compareCRS | Partially compare two CRS objects |
compareRaster | Compare Raster objects |
contour | Contour plot |
contour-method | Contour plot |
coordinates | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
coordinates-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
corLocal | Local correlation coefficient |
corLocal-method | Local correlation coefficient |
couldBeLonLat | Is this longitude/latitude data? |
couldBeLonLat-method | Is this longitude/latitude data? |
cover | Replace NA values with values of other layers |
cover-method | Replace NA values with values of other layers |
crop | Crop |
crop-method | Crop |
crosstab | Cross-tabulate |
crosstab-method | Cross-tabulate |
crs | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
crs-method | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
crs<- | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
crs<--method | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
cut | Convert values to classes |
cut-method | Convert values to classes |
cv | Coefficient of variation |
cv-method | Coefficient of variation |
dataSigned | Raster file properties |
dataSize | Raster file properties |
dataType | Data type |
dataType<- | Data type |
density | Density plot |
density-method | Density plot |
deratify | Factors |
dim | Dimensions of a Raster* object |
dim-method | Dimensions of a Raster* object |
dim<--method | Dimensions of a Raster* object |
direction | Direction |
direction-method | Direction |
disaggregate | Disaggregate |
disaggregate-method | Disaggregate |
distance | Distance |
distance-method | Distance |
distanceFromPoints | Distance from points |
drawExtent | Create an Extent object by drawing on a map |
drawLine | Draw a line or polygon |
drawPoly | Draw a line or polygon |
dropLayer | Add or drop a layer |
dropLayer-method | Add or drop a layer |
endCluster | Use a multi-core cluster |
erase | Erase parts of a SpatialPolygons* or SpatialLines* object. The inverse of this can be done with 'intersect' |
erase-method | Erase parts of a SpatialPolygons* or SpatialLines* object. The inverse of this can be done with 'intersect' |
extend | Extend |
extend-method | Extend |
extension | Filename extensions |
extension<- | Filename extensions |
Extent | Class "Extent" |
extent | Extent |
Extent-class | Class "Extent" |
extent-method | Extent |
extent<- | Set the extent of a RasterLayer |
extentFromCells | Cells from extent, and vice versa |
extract | Extract values from Raster objects |
extract-method | Extract values from Raster objects |
factorValues | Factors |
filename | Filename |
filledContour | Filled contour plot |
flip | Flip |
flip-method | Flip |
floor-method | Integer values |
floor-method | round Extent coordinates |
flowPath | Flow path |
focal | Focal values |
focal-method | Focal values |
focalWeight | Focal weights matrix |
fourCellsFromXY | Get cell, row, or column number |
freq | Frequency table |
freq-method | Frequency table |
fromDisk | Are values in memory and/or on disk? |
gain | Gain and offset of values on file |
gain<- | Gain and offset of values on file |
Geary | Spatial autocorrelation |
GearyLocal | Spatial autocorrelation |
geom | Get the coordinates of a vector type Spatial* object |
geom-method | Get the coordinates of a vector type Spatial* object |
getCluster | Helper functions for programming |
getData | Get geographic data |
getValues | Get raster cell values |
getValues-method | Get raster cell values |
getValuesBlock | Get a block of raster cell values |
getValuesBlock-method | Get a block of raster cell values |
getValuesFocal | Get focal raster cell values |
getValuesFocal-method | Get focal raster cell values |
getZ | Get or set z-values |
gridDistance | Distance on a grid |
gridDistance-method | Distance on a grid |
hasValues | Are values in memory and/or on disk? |
hasValues-method | Are values in memory and/or on disk? |
hdr | Header files |
head | Show the head or tail of a Raster* object |
head-method | Show the head or tail of a Raster* object |
hillShade | Hill shading |
hist | Histogram |
hist-method | Histogram |
image | Image |
image-method | Image |
init | Initialize a Raster object with values |
init-method | Initialize a Raster object with values |
inMemory | Are values in memory and/or on disk? |
interpolate | Interpolate |
interpolate-method | Interpolate |
intersect | Intersect |
intersect-method | Intersect |
is.factor | Factors |
is.factor-method | Factors |
is.finite-method | Logical operators and functions |
is.infinite-method | Logical operators and functions |
is.na-method | Logical operators and functions |
is.na-method | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
is.nan-method | Logical operators and functions |
isLonLat | Is this longitude/latitude data? |
isLonLat-method | Is this longitude/latitude data? |
KML | Write a KML or KMZ file |
KML-method | Write a KML or KMZ file |
labels-method | Names of raster layers |
layerize | Layerize |
layerize-method | Layerize |
layerStats | Correlation and (weighted) covariance |
length-method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
levels | Factors |
levels-method | Factors |
levels<- | Factors |
levels<--method | Factors |
lines-method | Plot a Raster* object |
lines-method | Use spplot to plot a Raster* or other object |
localFun | Local functions |
localFun-method | Local functions |
log-method | Mathematical functions |
Logic-method | Logical operators and functions |
Logic-methods | Logical operators and functions |
mask | Mask values in a Raster object |
mask-method | Mask values in a Raster object |
match | Value matching for Raster* objects |
match-method | Value matching for Raster* objects |
Math-method | Mathematical functions |
Math-methods | Mathematical functions |
Math2-method | Mathematical functions |
maxValue | Minimum and maximum values |
maxValue-method | Minimum and maximum values |
mean-method | Summary methods |
median-method | Summary methods |
merge | Merge Raster* objects |
merge-method | Merge Raster* objects |
metadata | Metadata |
metadata<- | Metadata |
minValue | Minimum and maximum values |
minValue-method | Minimum and maximum values |
modal | modal value |
modal-method | modal value |
Moran | Spatial autocorrelation |
MoranLocal | Spatial autocorrelation |
mosaic | Merge Raster* objects using a function for overlapping areas |
mosaic-method | Merge Raster* objects using a function for overlapping areas |
movingFun | Moving functions |
names | Names of raster layers |
names-method | Names of raster layers |
names<- | Names of raster layers |
names<--method | Names of raster layers |
NAvalue | Set the NA value of a RasterLayer |
NAvalue<- | Set the NA value of a RasterLayer |
nbands | Number of bands |
ncell | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
ncell-method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
ncol | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
ncol-method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
ncol<- | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
ncol<--method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
nlayers | Number of layers |
nlayers-method | Number of layers |
nrow | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
nrow-method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
nrow<- | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
nrow<--method | Number or rows, columns, and cells of a Raster* object |
offs | Gain and offset of values on file |
offs<- | Gain and offset of values on file |
origin | Origin |
origin-method | Origin |
origin<- | Origin |
origin<--method | Origin |
overlay | Overlay Raster objects |
overlay-method | Overlay Raster objects |
pairs | Pairs plot (matrix of scatterplots) |
pairs-method | Pairs plot (matrix of scatterplots) |
pbClose | Helper functions for programming |
pbCreate | Helper functions for programming |
pbStep | Helper functions for programming |
persp | Perspective plot |
persp-method | Perspective plot |
plot | Plot a Raster* object |
plot-method | Plot a Raster* object |
plotRGB | Red-Green-Blue plot of a multi-layered Raster object |
plotRGB-method | Red-Green-Blue plot of a multi-layered Raster object |
pointDistance | Distance between points |
predict | Spatial model predictions |
predict-method | Spatial model predictions |
print-method | Raster* classes |
proj4string | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
proj4string<- | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
projectExtent | Project a Raster object |
projection | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
projection<- | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
projectRaster | Project a Raster object |
quantile | Raster quantiles |
quantile-method | Raster quantiles |
raster | Create a RasterLayer object |
Raster-class | Raster* classes |
raster-method | Create a RasterLayer object |
RasterBrick-class | Raster* classes |
rasterFromCells | Subset a raster by cell numbers |
rasterFromXYZ | Create a Raster* object from x, y, z values |
rasterize | Rasterize points, lines, or polygons |
rasterize-method | Rasterize points, lines, or polygons |
RasterLayer-class | Raster* classes |
RasterLayerSparse-class | Raster* classes |
rasterOptions | Global options for the raster package |
RasterStack-class | Raster* classes |
RasterStackBrick-class | Raster* classes |
rasterTmpFile | Temporary files |
rasterToContour | Raster to contour lines conversion |
rasterToPoints | Raster to points conversion |
rasterToPolygons | Raster to polygons conversion |
ratify | Factors |
ratify-method | Factors |
Rcpp_SpExtent-class | Rcpp classes |
Rcpp_SpPoly-class | Rcpp classes |
Rcpp_SpPolygons-class | Rcpp classes |
Rcpp_SpPolyPart-class | Rcpp classes |
readAll | Read values from disk |
readAll-method | Read values from disk |
readIniFile | Read a .ini file |
readStart | Helper functions for programming |
readStart-method | Helper functions for programming |
readStop | Helper functions for programming |
readStop-method | Helper functions for programming |
reclassify | Reclassify |
reclassify-method | Reclassify |
rectify | rectify a Raster object |
rectify-method | rectify a Raster object |
removeTmpFiles | Temporary files |
res | Resolution |
res-method | Resolution |
res<- | Resolution |
res<--method | Resolution |
resample | Resample a Raster object |
resample-method | Resample a Raster object |
returnCluster | Helper functions for programming |
RGB | Create a Red-Green-Blue Raster object |
RGB-method | Create a Red-Green-Blue Raster object |
rotate | Rotate |
rotate-method | Rotate |
rotated | Do the raster cells have a rotation? |
round-method | Integer values |
rowColFromCell | Row or column number from a cell number |
rowColFromCell-method | Row or column number from a cell number |
rowFromCell | Row or column number from a cell number |
rowFromCell-method | Row or column number from a cell number |
rowFromY | Get cell, row, or column number |
rowFromY-method | Get cell, row, or column number |
rowSums | rowSums and colSums for Raster objects |
rowSums-method | rowSums and colSums for Raster objects |
sampleInt | Sample integer values |
sampleRandom | Random sample |
sampleRandom-method | Random sample |
sampleRegular | Regular sample |
sampleRegular-method | Regular sample |
sampleStratified | Stratified random sample |
sampleStratified-method | Stratified random sample |
scale | Scale values |
scale-method | Scale values |
scalebar | scalebar |
select | Geometric subsetting |
select-method | Geometric subsetting |
setExtent | Set the extent of a RasterLayer |
setMinMax | Compute min and max values |
setMinMax-method | Compute min and max values |
setValues | Set values of a Raster object |
setValues-method | Set values of a Raster object |
setZ | Get or set z-values |
shapefile | Read or write a shapefile |
shapefile-method | Read or write a shapefile |
shift | Shift |
shift-method | Shift |
show-method | Class "Extent" |
show-method | Raster* classes |
showTmpFiles | Temporary files |
slopeAspect | Slope and aspect |
SpatialVector-class | Raster* classes |
SpExtent | Rcpp classes |
spLines | Create SpatialLines* or SpatialPolygons* |
spplot | Use spplot to plot a Raster* or other object |
spplot-method | Use spplot to plot a Raster* or other object |
SpPoly | Rcpp classes |
SpPoly-class | Rcpp classes |
SpPolygons | Rcpp classes |
spPolygons | Create SpatialLines* or SpatialPolygons* |
SpPolygons-class | Rcpp classes |
SpPolyPart | Rcpp classes |
SpPolyPart-class | Rcpp classes |
stack | Create a RasterStack object |
stack-method | Create a RasterStack object |
stackApply | Apply a function on subsets of a RasterStack or RasterBrick |
stackOpen | Save or open a RasterStack file |
stackSave | Save or open a RasterStack file |
stackSelect | Select cell values from a multi-layer Raster* object |
stackSelect-method | Select cell values from a multi-layer Raster* object |
stretch | Stretch |
stretch-method | Stretch |
subs | Substitute values in a Raster* object |
subs-method | Substitute values in a Raster* object |
subset | Subset layers in a Raster* object |
subset-method | Subset layers in a Raster* object |
Summary-method | Summary methods |
summary-method | Summary |
Summary-methods | Summary methods |
symdif | Symetrical difference |
symdif-method | Symetrical difference |
t | Transpose |
t-method | Transpose |
tail | Show the head or tail of a Raster* object |
tail-method | Show the head or tail of a Raster* object |
terrain | Terrain characteristics |
terrain-method | Terrain characteristics |
text | Add labels to a map |
text-method | Add labels to a map |
tmpDir | Global options for the raster package |
trim | Trim |
trim-method | Trim |
trunc-method | Integer values |
union | Union Extent or SpatialPolygons* objects |
union-method | Union Extent or SpatialPolygons* objects |
unique | Unique values |
unique-method | Unique values |
unstack | Unstack |
unstack-method | Unstack |
update | Update raster cells of files (on disk) |
update-method | Update raster cells of files (on disk) |
validCell | Validity of a cell, column or row number |
validCol | Validity of a cell, column or row number |
validNames | Create valid names |
validRow | Validity of a cell, column or row number |
values | Get raster cell values |
values-method | Get raster cell values |
values<- | Set values of a Raster object |
values<--method | Set values of a Raster object |
VectorLayer-class | Raster* classes |
weighted.mean | Weighted mean of rasters |
weighted.mean-method | Weighted mean of rasters |
Which | Which cells are TRUE? |
Which-method | Which cells are TRUE? |
which.max | Where is the min or max value? |
which.max-method | Where is the min or max value? |
which.min | Where is the min or max value? |
which.min-method | Where is the min or max value? |
whiches.max | Where is the min or max value? |
whiches.max-method | Where is the min or max value? |
whiches.min | Where is the min or max value? |
whiches.min-method | Where is the min or max value? |
wkt | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
wkt-method | Get or set a coordinate reference system (projection) |
writeFormats | File types for writing |
writeRaster | Write raster data to a file |
writeRaster-method | Write raster data to a file |
writeStart | Write values to a file |
writeStart-method | Write values to a file |
writeStop | Write values to a file |
writeStop-method | Write values to a file |
writeValues | Write values to a file |
writeValues-method | Write values to a file |
xFromCell | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
xFromCell-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
xFromCol | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
xFromCol-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
xmax | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmax-method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmax<- | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmax<--method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmin | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmin-method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmin<- | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xmin<--method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
xres | Resolution |
xres-method | Resolution |
xyFromCell | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
xyFromCell-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
yFromCell | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
yFromCell-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
yFromRow | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
yFromRow-method | Coordinates from a row, column or cell number |
ymax | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymax-method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymax<- | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymax<--method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymin | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymin-method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymin<- | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
ymin<--method | Coordinates of the Extent of a Raster object |
yres | Resolution |
yres-method | Resolution |
zApply | z (time) apply |
zonal | Zonal statistics |
zonal-method | Zonal statistics |
zoom | Zoom in on a map |
zoom-method | Zoom in on a map |
!-method | Logical operators and functions |
!=-method | Compare Raster* objects |
$-method | Replace cell values or layers of a Raster* object |
$<--method | Replace cell values or layers of a Raster* object |
%in% | Value matching for Raster* objects |
%in%-method | Value matching for Raster* objects |
*-method | Arithmetic with Raster* objects |
+-method | Arithmetic with Raster* objects |
--method | Arithmetic with Raster* objects |
==-method | Compare Raster* objects |
[-method | Indexing to extract values of a Raster* object |
[<--method | Replace cell values or layers of a Raster* object |
[[-method | Indexing to extract values of a Raster* object |
[[<--method | Replace cell values or layers of a Raster* object |