A B C D E G I L M N O P R S T V W misc
asSGDF_GROD | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
best_instantiable_coordOp | List PROJ 6 coordinate operations |
checkCRSArgs | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
checkCRSArgs_ng | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
close.SpatialGDAL | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
closeDataset | closeDataset methods |
closeDataset-method | closeDataset methods |
closeDataset-methods | closeDataset methods |
closeDataset.default | closeDataset methods |
coerce-method | subset methods for "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
coerce-method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
compare_CRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
copy.SpatialGDAL | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
copyDataset | Class "GDALDataset" |
create2GDAL | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
CRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
CRS-class | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
CRSargs | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
deleteDataset | Class "GDALDataset" |
dim-method | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
dim-method | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
disable_proj_CDN | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
displayDataset | Display a GDAL dataset |
enable_proj_CDN | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
GDAL.close | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
GDAL.open | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
GDALcall | Wrapper functions to allow more direct calling of rgdal C code |
GDALDataset-class | Class "GDALDataset" |
GDALDriver-class | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
gdalDrivers | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
GDALinfo | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
GDALis3ormore | List PROJ.4 tag information |
GDALMajorObject-class | Class "GDALMajorObject" |
GDALRasterBand-class | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
GDALReadOnlyDataset-class | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
GDALReadOnlyDataset-methods | subset methods for "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
GDALSpatialRef | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
GDALTransientDataset-class | Class "GDALTransientDataset" |
GDAL_OSR_PROJ | List PROJ.4 tag information |
getColorTable | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
getCPLConfigOption | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getDescription | Class "GDALMajorObject" |
getDriver | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
getDriverLongName | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getDriverName | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGDALCheckVersion | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGDALDriverNames | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGDALVersionInfo | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGDALwithGEOS | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGDAL_DATA_Path | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
getGeoTransFunc | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
getPROJ4libPath | List PROJ.4 tag information |
getPROJ4VersionInfo | List PROJ.4 tag information |
getProjectionRef | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
getRasterBand | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
getRasterBlockSize | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
getRasterData | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
getRasterTable | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
get_cached_orig_GDAL_DATA | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
get_cached_orig_PROJ_LIB | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
get_cached_set_GDAL_DATA | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
get_cached_set_PROJ_LIB | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
get_enforce_xy | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
get_last_coordOp | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
get_P6_datum_hard_fail | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
get_prefer_proj | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
get_PROJ6_warnings_count | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
get_proj_search_paths | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
get_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
get_thin_PROJ6_warnings | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
get_transform_wkt_comment | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
GridsDatums | Grids and Datums PE&RS listing |
initialize-method | Class "GDALDataset" |
initialize-method | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
initialize-method | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
initialize-method | Class "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
initialize-method | Class "GDALTransientDataset" |
is_proj_CDN_enabled | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
list_coordOps | List PROJ 6 coordinate operations |
llgridlines | Plot long-lat grid over projected data |
make_EPSG | Make a data frame of EPSG projection codes |
new_proj_and_gdal | List PROJ.4 tag information |
nor2k | Norwegian peaks over 2000m |
ogrDrivers | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
ogrFIDs | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
ogrInfo | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
ogrListLayers | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
OGRSpatialRef | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
open.SpatialGDAL | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
OSRIsProjected | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
print.coordOps | List PROJ 6 coordinate operations |
print.CRS | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
print.GDALobj | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
print.ogrinfo | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
print.summary.SpatialGDAL | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
project | Projection of coordinate matrices |
projInfo | List PROJ.4 tag information |
PROJis6ormore | List PROJ.4 tag information |
projNAD | List PROJ.4 tag information |
proj_CDN_user_writable_dir | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
putRasterData | Class "GDALDataset" |
rawTransform | Wrapper functions to allow more direct calling of rgdal C code |
readGDAL | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
readOGR | Read OGR vector maps into Spatial objects |
RGB2PCT | Convert RGB three band to single band colour table |
RGDAL_checkCRSArgs | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
rgdal_extSoftVersion | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
saveDataset | Class "GDALDataset" |
saveDatasetAs | Class "GDALDataset" |
setCPLConfigOption | Class "GDALDriver": GDAL Driver Object |
set_enforce_xy | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
set_P6_datum_hard_fail | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
set_prefer_proj | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
set_proj_search_paths | PROJ search paths and content download network handling |
set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
set_thin_PROJ6_warnings | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
set_transform_wkt_comment | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
SGDF2PCT | Convert RGB three band to single band colour table |
show-method | Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments |
showEPSG | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
showP4 | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
showSRID | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
showWKT | Show Well-Known Text spatial reference system metadata |
SpatialGDAL-class | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
SpatialGDALWrite-class | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
spTransform | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform-method | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform-methods | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialLines | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialLinesDataFrame | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialPoints | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialPolygons | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
spTransform.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Methods for Function spTransform for map projection and datum transformation in package "rgdal" |
sub.GDROD | subset methods for "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
summary-method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
toSigned | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
toUnSigned | Class "GDALRasterBand" |
vec2RGB | Convert RGB three band to single band colour table |
writeGDAL | Read/write between GDAL grid maps and Spatial objects |
writeOGR | Write spatial vector data using OGR |
$-method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
$<--method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
-method | subset methods for "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
[-method | subset methods for "GDALReadOnlyDataset" |
[-method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
[<--method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
[[-method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |
[[<--method | Class "SpatialGDAL" |