s2 |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
sample_frac.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
sample_n.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
select.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
semi_join.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
separate.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
separate_rows.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
sf |
Create sf object |
sf-defunct |
Deprecated functions in 'sf' |
sf.colors |
plot sf object |
sfc |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
sfc_POINT |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
sf_add_proj_units |
directly transform a set of coordinates |
sf_extSoftVersion |
Provide the external dependencies versions of the libraries linked to sf |
sf_project |
directly transform a set of coordinates |
sf_proj_info |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
sf_proj_network |
Manage PROJ settings |
sf_proj_pipelines |
Manage PROJ settings |
sf_proj_search_paths |
Manage PROJ settings |
sf_use_s2 |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
sgbp |
Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists |
slice.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
spread.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
st |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
stars |
functions only exported to be used internally by stars |
st_agr |
get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object |
st_agr<- |
get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object |
st_area |
Compute geometric measurements |
st_area.sfc |
Compute geometric measurements |
st_as_binary |
Convert sfc object to an WKB object |
st_as_binary.sfc |
Convert sfc object to an WKB object |
st_as_binary.sfg |
Convert sfc object to an WKB object |
st_as_grob |
Convert sf* object to a grob |
st_as_s2 |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
st_as_s2.sf |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
st_as_s2.sfc |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
st_as_sf |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.data.frame |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.lpp |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.map |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.ppp |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.psp |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.s2_geography |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
st_as_sf.sf |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.sfc |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sf.Spatial |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sfc |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.bbox |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.blob |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.character |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.factor |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.list |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.map |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.pq_geometry |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.raw |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.s2_geography |
functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package |
st_as_sfc.SpatialLines |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.SpatialMultiPoints |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.SpatialPixels |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.SpatialPoints |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.SpatialPolygons |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_sfc.WKB |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_text |
Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system |
st_as_text.crs |
Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system |
st_as_text.sfc |
Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system |
st_as_text.sfg |
Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system |
st_axis_order |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_bbox |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.Extent |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.LINESTRING |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.MULTICURVE |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.MULTIPOINT |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.numeric |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.POINT |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.POLYGON |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.Raster |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.sf |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.sfc |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.Spatial |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.TIN |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bbox.TRIANGLE |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_bind_cols |
Bind rows (features) of sf objects |
st_boundary |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_buffer |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_cast |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.CURVE |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.LINESTRING |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.MULTICURVE |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.MULTIPOINT |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.POINT |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.POLYGON |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.sf |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.sfc |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast.sfc_CIRCULARSTRING |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_cast_sfc_default |
Coerce geometry to MULTI* geometry |
st_centroid |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_collection_extract |
Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type. |
st_collection_extract.sf |
Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type. |
st_collection_extract.sfc |
Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type. |
st_collection_extract.sfg |
Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type. |
st_combine |
Combine or union feature geometries |
st_contains |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_contains_properly |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_convex_hull |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_coordinates |
retrieve coordinates in matrix form |
st_covered_by |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_covers |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_crop |
crop an sf object to a specific rectangle |
st_crop.sf |
crop an sf object to a specific rectangle |
st_crop.sfc |
crop an sf object to a specific rectangle |
st_crosses |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_crs |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.bbox |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.character |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.CRS |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.crs |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.numeric |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.sf |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs.sfc |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs<- |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs<-.sf |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_crs<-.sfc |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_difference |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_difference.sfc |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_dimension |
Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries |
st_disjoint |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_distance |
Compute geometric measurements |
st_drivers |
Get GDAL drivers |
st_drop_geometry |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_equals |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_equals_exact |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_filter |
spatial join, spatial filter |
st_filter.sf |
spatial join, spatial filter |
st_geometry |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometry.sf |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometry.sfc |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometry.sfg |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometry<- |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometrycollection |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_geometry_type |
Return geometry type of an object |
st_graticule |
Compute graticules and their parameters |
st_inscribed_circle |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_interpolate_aw |
Areal-weighted interpolation of polygon data |
st_intersection |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_intersection.sf |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_intersection.sfc |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_intersects |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_is |
test equality between the geometry type and a class or set of classes |
st_is_empty |
Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries |
st_is_longlat |
Assert whether simple feature coordinates are longlat degrees |
st_is_simple |
Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries |
st_is_valid |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_is_valid.sf |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_is_valid.sfc |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_is_valid.sfg |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_is_within_distance |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_jitter |
jitter geometries |
st_join |
spatial join, spatial filter |
st_join.sf |
spatial join, spatial filter |
st_layers |
List layers in a datasource |
st_length |
Compute geometric measurements |
st_linestring |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_line_merge |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_line_sample |
Sample points on a linear geometry |
st_make_grid |
Create a regular tesselation over the bounding box of an sf or sfc object |
st_make_valid |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_make_valid.sfg |
Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid |
st_multilinestring |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_multipoint |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_multipolygon |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_m_range |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.COMPOUNDCURVE |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.CURVEPOLYGON |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.LINESTRING |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.MULTICURVE |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.MULTIPOINT |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.MULTIPOLYGON |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.MULTISURFACE |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.numeric |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.POINT |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.POLYGON |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.sf |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.sfc |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.TIN |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_m_range.TRIANGLE |
Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_nearest_feature |
get index of nearest feature |
st_nearest_points |
get nearest points between pairs of geometries |
st_nearest_points.sf |
get nearest points between pairs of geometries |
st_nearest_points.sfc |
get nearest points between pairs of geometries |
st_nearest_points.sfg |
get nearest points between pairs of geometries |
st_node |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_normalize |
Normalize simple features |
st_overlaps |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_point |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_point_on_surface |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_polygon |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_polygonize |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_precision |
Get precision |
st_precision<- |
Get precision |
st_read |
Read simple features or layers from file or database |
st_read.character |
Read simple features or layers from file or database |
st_read.DBIObject |
Read simple features or layers from file or database |
st_read_db |
Deprecated functions in 'sf' |
st_read_db, |
Deprecated functions in 'sf' |
st_relate |
Compute DE9-IM relation between pairs of geometries, or match it to a given pattern |
st_reverse |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_sample |
sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features |
st_sample.sf |
sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features |
st_sample.sfc |
sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features |
st_sample.sfg |
sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features |
st_segmentize |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_set_agr |
get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object |
st_set_crs |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_set_geometry |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_set_precision |
Get precision |
st_sf |
Create sf object |
st_sfc |
Create simple feature geometry list column |
st_shift_longitude |
Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view |
st_shift_longitude.sf |
Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view |
st_shift_longitude.sfc |
Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view |
st_simplify |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_snap |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_sym_difference |
Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_touches |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_transform |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_transform.sf |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_transform.sfc |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_transform.sfg |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_triangulate |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_union |
Combine or union feature geometries |
st_viewport |
Create viewport from sf, sfc or sfg object |
st_voronoi |
Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets |
st_within |
Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets |
st_wrap_dateline |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_wrap_dateline.sf |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_wrap_dateline.sfc |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_wrap_dateline.sfg |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_write |
Write simple features object to file or database |
st_write.data.frame |
Write simple features object to file or database |
st_write.sf |
Write simple features object to file or database |
st_write.sfc |
Write simple features object to file or database |
st_write_db |
Deprecated functions in 'sf' |
st_zm |
Drop or add Z and/or M dimensions from feature geometries |
st_z_range |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.COMPOUNDCURVE |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.CURVEPOLYGON |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.LINESTRING |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.MULTICURVE |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.MULTIPOINT |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.MULTIPOLYGON |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.MULTISURFACE |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.numeric |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.POINT |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.POLYGON |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.sf |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.sfc |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.TIN |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_z_range.TRIANGLE |
Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set |
summarise |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
summarise.sf |
Tidyverse methods for sf objects (remove .sf suffix!) |
summary.sfc |
Summarize simple feature column |