Select from a Set of Strings

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Documentation for package ‘tidyselect’ version 1.1.0

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all_of Select variables from character vectors
any_of Select variables from character vectors
contains Select variables that match a pattern
ends_with Select variables that match a pattern
eval_rename Evaluate an expression with tidyselect semantics
eval_select Evaluate an expression with tidyselect semantics
everything Select all variables or the last variable
faq-external-vector FAQ - Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous
faq-selection-context FAQ - Error: Must be used within a _selecting_ function
language Selection language
last_col Select all variables or the last variable
matches Select variables that match a pattern
num_range Select variables that match a pattern
peek_data Peek at variables in the selection context
peek_vars Peek at variables in the selection context
select_helpers Selection language
starts_with Select variables that match a pattern
where Select variables with a function